FEMA Bulletin Week of May 31, 2022

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Week of May 31, 2022

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In this Edition:

Important Deadlines & Reminders

June 1

Video submissions for Voluntary Agency Coordination Partnership Month due by 5 p.m. ET. 

June 2

Nonprofit security grant program webinar at 3 p.m. ET.

FEMA Announces Grant Selections


On May 18, FEMA announced a first round of subapplications have been selected for further review for the Fiscal Year FY 2021 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant programs.


These selections for further review will provide funding for states, local, tribal and territorial stakeholders for mitigation planning, adoption and enforcement of building codes and standards, project scoping and small-scale mitigation projects. These eligible mitigation and planning activities strengthen our nation's ability to build a culture of preparedness and promote and sustain a prepared nation.


For these two programs, FEMA selected 338 subapplications totaling $91.2 million. These selections will help FEMA set a baseline to achieving the goals of the Biden-Harris Administration's Justice40 Initiative, which prioritizes delivering at least 40% of the overall benefits of federal investments to disadvantaged communities.


Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities


For the first round of funding, FEMA selected 316 subapplications totaling $65.7 million across each state and territory, including 27 tribes. Most of the selections are for capability and capacity building projects specifically for project scoping, planning, partnerships, and the adoption and enforcement of building codes.


A couple of examples include:

  • In Illinois, FEMA selected a project scoping subapplication to evaluate facilities to identify mitigation actions for the Lake Mistake Drain Culvert.
  • In New Mexico, FEMA selected a project scoping subapplication for the Tribe of Pueblo of Laguna to modernize their building codes and standards.


Flood Mitigation Assistance


For the first round, FEMA selected 22 subapplications totaling $25.5 million in 19 communities across five states.  Most of these selections are for project scoping and planning, technical assistance and the elevation of repetitively flood-damaged buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Program.


  • In Texas, FEMA selected a subapplication to elevate 27 individual buildings in Fort Bend, Harris and Montgomery counties.
  • In New Jersey, FEMA selected a subapplication for technical assistance in Atlantic County to be used for application development, assessment of flood hazard and the facilitation of flood mitigation projects.

FEMA remains committed to investing in mitigation. Important elements of our grant programs are aligned to build a culture of preparedness and promote and sustain a prepared nation by reducing disaster losses and protect life and property from disaster damage.  For more information, visit the Hazard Mitigation Assistance webpage.


FEMA Publishes Mitigation Funding Opportunity


FEMA published on Grants.gov the Fiscal Year 2022 funding opportunity making approximately $154 million available to support 68 mitigation projects nationwide.


These projects were congressionally authorized through the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022. The funding for these projects will be made available through FEMA's Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant program, in addition to funds provided through other FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance programs.

These funds are available to specific state, local, tribal and territorial governments to plan for and implement sustainable cost-effective mitigation measures to reduce the risk to individuals and property from future natural hazards while also reducing reliance on federal funding from future disasters.

Communities with projects identified for funding must apply by June 24.


While FEMA expects to make awards prior to Sept. 30, the agency will only disburse funding once all program eligibility criteria are met.


FEMA is also providing technical assistance to applicants and subapplicants of the 68 projects to enhance building capability and capacity to ensure the successful submission of subapplications for timely review and awards.


For general questions about Pre-Disaster Grant congressional community projects, please contact the appropriate State Hazard Mitigation Officer or FEMA Regional Office. The Hazard Mitigation Assistance Helpline is also available by telephone at 866-222-3580.


FEMA will offer a webinar series for applicants. To register for an upcoming webinar, visit FEMA.gov.

For additional information, email FEMA-Ask-PDM@fema.dhs.gov.


May 31 is National Dam Safety Awareness Day


May 31 is National Dam Safety Awareness Day.


This year's theme is "Dam Safety is a shared responsibility. Know your risk, know your role, know the benefits of dams and take action."


Led by the National Dam Safety Program, FEMA joins to commemorate the 2,200 lives lost in the 1889 South Fork Dam Failure near Johnstown, Pennsylvania.


FEMA and the White House hope to promote the active role the public has in communicating the importance of dams, current issues and why investment in this infrastructure is urgently needed.


National Dam Safety Awareness Day not only commemorates the past but calls us to action. Dam Safety is a shared responsibility. Make a difference in your community and join FEMA in support of National Dam Safety Awareness Day on May 31.


Help us spread the message. FEMA has several resources available to help spread the important message of dam safety, including:


Visit fema.gov to find out how to be involved with dam safety in your community!


FEMA Releases Michigan Dam Failure Analysis


In recognition of National Dam Safety Day on May 31, FEMA released the Michigan Dam Incident Response Review: An Analysis of the 2020 Edenville and Sanford Dam Failure Response.  The report examines the causes for the Edenville and Sanford Dam failures in 2020, and summarizes the actions taken by the dam operators and emergency managers. It also identifies key actions communities can take to build resilience to dam-related emergencies.  


On May 19, 2020, excessive rainfall in combination with a decade-long history of maintenance and compliance issues led to the catastrophic failure of the Edenville Dam. The resulting flood caused the subsequent failure of the Sanford Dam, 10 miles downstream. More than 4,000 structures across the region were impacted by the floodwaters, with an estimated loss of $245 million. Approximately 11,000 residents successfully evacuated the area with no serious injuries or loss of life reported.


The theme for the 2022 National Dam Safety Awareness Day is "Dam Safety is a shared responsibility. Know your risk, know your role, know the benefits of dams and take action." The insights from this report can help inform community outreach to promote awareness of dam-related risks and related protective actions.


FEMA provides Dam Safety Collaborative Technical Assistance to help communities at risk of dam-related flooding to better understand their risk landscape and improve collaborative planning for dam-related emergencies. In addition, FEMA provides grants for Rehabilitation of High Hazard Potential Dams and for State Assistance. The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides additional funding to improve our nation's infrastructure, including dams.


FEMA Accepting Community Assistance Grant Applications


On May 5, the Community Assistance Program State Support Services Element FY22 funding opportunity was posted on Grants.gov. The final grant application due date for the grant is June 20.


The Community Assistance Program's – state support services element helps states proactively identify, prevent and resolve floodplain management issues in participating communities before a flood event  occurs. The program provides funding to states to provide technical assistance to communities in the National Flood Insurance Program and to evaluate community performance in implementing floodplain management activities.


Please note that June 20 is a federal holiday to observe Juneteenth. State NFIP coordinating offices should continue to work with their FEMA regional coordinators to finalize their proposals ahead of submission. To learn more about the program, visit FEMA.gov.


Upcoming Deadlines and Reminders


FEMA Provides Funding for National Standards in Emergency Management


FEMA made $825,000 in funding available for the FY2022 Emergency Management Baseline Assessment Grant program. The program supports investment in national level standards for emergency management that target critical functions necessary to prepare for and manage disasters.


This application period closes at 5 p.m. ET on July 7.


The program provides funding for:

  • Supporting Emergency Management Program Accreditation.
  • Supporting Emergency Manager Certification.


State, local, tribal and territorial jurisdictions are eligible to apply for an Emergency Management Baseline Assessment Grant. Initial applications must be submitted through Grants.gov. FEMA will notify eligible applicants to proceed with submitting their complete application package in the Non-Disaster (ND) Grants System by the application deadline.


FEMA Accepts Video Submissions for 2022 Partnership Month


This July, FEMA will host a virtual exhibitor hall to celebrate Voluntary Agency Coordination Partnership Month. This event celebrates strong partnerships that make emergency management possible.


Your organization is invited to create a short video to be featured as part of the gallery.


Video file specifications

  • Length: 1 minute or shorter.
  • Resolution: 1080p.
  • Format: .MP4.
  • Size: 100MB or fewer.
  • Accessibility: Provide closed captioning by including a script of the dialogue as well as an .SRT file.


For questions and video submissions, email fema-r8hostedpartnershipmonth@fema.dhs.gov To view last year's videos, visit the partnership month website. Submit a completed version of the video no later than 5 p.m. ET on June 1.



Save the Date for Extreme Heat Forum


June, the Resilient Nation Partnership Network's topic during the monthly Ideation Hour is Extreme Heat Resilience.


The discussion will focus on the impacts of extreme heat across the country. We encourage you to bring your resilience ideas, projects, resources and collaboration opportunities to the conversation. 


This event will be on ZOOM at 1 p.m. on June 29. Registration is now open.


To learn more about the Resilient Nation Partnership network, visit FEMA.gov. For additional information on heat awareness, including tips on how to stay prepared, visit Ready.gov.


FEMA Releases Resource Typing Documents


FEMA is seeking public feedback on the Radio Direction Finding Team resource typing definition. This 30-day national engagement period will conclude at 5 p.m. ET on June 24.


The Radio Direction Finding Team is responsible for conducting electronic direction-finding operations in support of search and rescue operations. The document has been updated and only has specifications for Type 1 or Type 2 Radio Direction Finding NIMS-typed teams.


This resource typing document enhances the interoperability and effectiveness of mutual aid by establishing baseline qualifications for Radio Direction Finding NIMS-typed teams. This facilitates the sharing of deployable resources at all jurisdictional levels.


National engagement provides an opportunity for interested parties to comment on the draft documents to ensure they are relevant to all implementing partners.


To provide comments on the draft documents, complete the feedback form and submit the form to FEMA-NIMS@fema.dhs.gov no later than 5 p.m. ET on June 24.


FEMA Provides Over $400M to Emergency Managers


FEMA released the Emergency Management Performance Grant program funding notice, making $405.1 million available to assist state, local, tribal and territorial governments develop their emergency management capabilities and for all-hazards preparedness activities. The program focuses on planning, operations, equipment acquisitions, training, exercises, construction and renovation. This application period closes at 5 p.m. ET on June 13.


Eligible applicants must submit an initial application by June 6, FEMA will notify eligible applicants to proceed with submitting their complete application package in the Non-Disaster (ND) Grants System by the application deadline. FEMA anticipates that all awards will be made no later than Sept. 30. 


FEMA Releases Framework for National Engagement


FEMA is seeking public feedback on Planning and Decision Framework for Chemical Incident Consequence Management. This engagement period will conclude at 5 p.m. ET on June 3.


The framework provides guidance for federal, state, local, tribal and territorial government and non-governmental authorities for use in planning and expediting decisions in the aftermath of a nationally significant or large-scale hazardous chemical release. To provide feedback, use the comment matrix on FEMA.gov and email the completed form to fema- cbrnoffice@fema.dhs.gov by 5 p.m. ET on June 3.


National engagement gives interested stakeholders the opportunity to review and provide feedback on the document.


FEMA Hosts Nonprofit Security Grant Webinars


Gain insight how the fiscal year 2022 Nonprofit Security Grant Program can help your faith-based, community or nonprofit organizations by joining one of the upcoming webinars. 


Each webinar will last approximately 90 minutes and will be followed by a question-and-answer session. Each session will present the same content. Preregistration is required for the webinars.


Click on a link below for your preferred time:


If you have any questions regarding these webinars or require special accommodations, please send an email to FEMA-NSGP@fema.dhs.gov.


FEMA Hosts HURREVAC Webinar Series


From June 6 – 10, FEMA's National Hurricane Program will host a five-day HURREVAC training for emergency managers. Each day, sessions will start at 2 p.m. ET and will run 60 – 90 minutes. 


Webinar topics include:

  • Introduction to HURREVAC and Overview of the National Hurricane Program: June 6.
  • Wind Forecast Features: June 7.
  • Evacuation Timing Features: June 8.
  • Storm Surge and Other Water Hazards: June 9.
  • Exercise Tools and Applying HURREVAC: June 10.


HURREVAC is a free web-based decision-support tool that assists emergency managers by providing information and tools to inform hurricane response decisions in advance of a threatening storm. Interested emergency managers can register now for this annual HURREVAC webinar series.


FEMA Accepts Earthquake Grant Applications


FEMA opened the application period for the Fiscal Year 2022 National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Grant Program, including Individual State Earthquake Assistance and the Multi-State and National Earthquake Assistance grants. The notification is available on www.grants.gov


In addition to detailing eligibility and submission requirements, these notifications provide a program overview, such as objectives, priorities and allowable activities. The application period for both funding opportunities will end at 5 p.m. ET on June 1.


For additional information on these funding opportunities and the FEMA National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, visit FEMA.gov or send an email to FEMA-NEHRP@fema.dhs.gov.


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